Refereed Journal Papers
Published or Accepted for publication (Refereed Journal Papers)
Robust Production Optimization with Capacitance-Resistance Model as Precursor
Value-of-Information for Model Parameter Updating through History Matching
Maximising the Value of Unconventional Reservoirs by Choosing the Optimal Appraisal Strategy
Value Creation with Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Geosteering Operations
Hot spot hunting: Optimising the staged development of shale plays
Appraising unconventional resources: How many wells to drill and where to place them?
Decision-Oriented Geosteering and the Value of Look-Ahead Information: A Case-Based Study
Sequential Exploration with Geological Dependencies and Uncertainty in Oil Prices
Value Creation with Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Geosteering Operations 2015
Combining Geostatistics With Bayesian Updating To Continually Optimize Drilling Strategy in Shale-Gas Plays
A Decision Analytic Approach to Geosteering Operations
The Risk of Using Risk Matrices
Sell Spot or Sell Forward? Analysis of Oil Trading Decisions Using the Two-Factor Price Model and Simulation
Two Factor Oil Price Model and Real Option Valuation: An Example of Oil Field Abandonment
Valuation of Swing Contracts by Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation
Probabilistic Modeling for Decision Support in Integrated Operations
Game Theory in the Oil and Gas Industry
Uncertainty and preferences in a joint E&P development program analyzed in a game theoretic framework
A Game Theoretic Approach to Conflicting and Evolving Stakeholder Preferences in the E&P Industry
Valuing Oil and Gas Options by Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation
Value of Information: The Past, Present, and Future
Would You Know a Good Decision if You Saw One?
Decision Making in the Oil & Gas Industry: From Blissful Ignorance to Uncertainty - Induced Confusion
I would rather be vaguely right than precisely wrong: A new approach to decision making in the petroleum exploration and production industry
Copulas: A New Technique to Model Dependence in Petroleum Decision Making
Investment Decisions, Systems Approach vs. Sequential Approach: Do Functional Dependencies And Interactions Matter?
The Value of Flexibility
STORM: Integrated 3D Stochastic Reservoir Modeling Tool for Geologists and Reservoir Engineers
Effects of Propagating Fractures on Pressure-Transient Injection and Falloff Data
Analysis of Pressure Falloff Tests Following Cold Water Injection