Sequential Geosteering Decisions for Optimization of Real-Time Well Placement

Kullawan. K., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.


Submitted for publication.

Robust Production Optimization with Capacitance-Resistance Model as Precursor

Hong. A.J., Bratvold. R.B. and Nævdal. G.

Submitted to Computational Geosciences (provisionally accepted,under revision).

Value-of-Information for Model Parameter Updating through History Matching

Hong. A.J., Bratvold. R.B., Thomas. P. and Hanea. R.G.

Submitted to SPE Journal (under review)


Maximising the Value of Unconventional Reservoirs by Choosing the Optimal Appraisal Strategy

Willigers. B.J.A., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Formation Evaluation

Value Creation with Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Geosteering Operations

Kullawan. K., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

International Journal of Petroleum Technology 3 (01): 15-31.

Read more

Hot spot hunting: Optimising the staged development of shale plays

Willigers. B.J.A., Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Appraising unconventional resources: How many wells to drill and where to place them?

Willigers. B.J.A., Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Formation Evaluation 19, 340-349

Decision-Oriented Geosteering and the Value of Look-Ahead Information: A Case-Based Study

Kanokwan, Kullawan. K., Bratvold. R.B. and Camilo M. Nieto.

SPE Journal (2016)


Sequential Exploration with Geological Dependencies and Uncertainty in Oil Prices

Jafarizadeh. B. and Bratvold. R.B.

Paper submitted for publication in SPE Economics & Management.

Value Creation with Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Geosteering Operations 2015

Kullawan. K., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

Paper submitted for publication in the Journal of Petrol. Science and Engineering.


Combining Geostatistics With Bayesian Updating To Continually Optimize Drilling Strategy in Shale-Gas Plays

Willigers. B.J.A., Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/164816-PA

A Decision Analytic Approach to Geosteering Operations

Kullawan. K., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/167433-PA

The Risk of Using Risk Matrices

Thomas. P., Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

Thomas. P., Bratvold. R.B., Bickel. J.E.,
SPE Econ & Mgmt 6 (2): 56-66


Sell Spot or Sell Forward? Analysis of Oil Trading Decisions Using the Two-Factor Price Model and Simulation

Bratvold. R.B. and Jafarizadeh. B.

SPE Econ & Mgmt 5 (3): 80-88


Two Factor Oil Price Model and Real Option Valuation: An Example of Oil Field Abandonment

Jafarizadeh. B. and Bratvold. R.B.

SPE Econ & Mgmt 4 (3): 158-170


Valuation of Swing Contracts by Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation

Willigers. B.J.A., Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

SPE Econ & Mgmt 3 (4): 215-225. SPE-133044-PA.

Probabilistic Modeling for Decision Support in Integrated Operations

Bratvold. R.B. and Giese. M.

SPE Econ & Mgmt 3 (3): 173-185. SPE-127761-PA. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/127761-PA

Game Theory in the Oil and Gas Industry

Bratvold. R.B. and Koch. F.

SPE TWA 7 (1): 18-20


Uncertainty and preferences in a joint E&P development program analyzed in a game theoretic framework

Willigers. B.J.A., Hausken. K. and Bratvold. R.B.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 74, 1-2, 88-98


A Game Theoretic Approach to Conflicting and Evolving Stakeholder Preferences in the E&P Industry

Willigers. B.J.A., Bratvold. R.B. and Hausken. K.

SPE Economics & Management

Valuing Oil and Gas Options by Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation

Willigers. B.J.A. and Bratvold. R.B.

SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction

Value of Information: The Past, Present, and Future

Bratvold. R.B. and Bickel. J.E.

SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, August 2009

Would You Know a Good Decision if You Saw One?

Bratvold. R.B. and Begg. S.H.

SPE TWA 5 (2): 21-23


Decision Making in the Oil & Gas Industry: From Blissful Ignorance to Uncertainty - Induced Confusion

Bickel. J.E. and Bratvold. R.B.


I would rather be vaguely right than precisely wrong: A new approach to decision making in the petroleum exploration and production industry

Bratvold. R.B. and Begg. S.H.

AAPG Bulletin 92(10), 1373–1392


Copulas: A New Technique to Model Dependence in Petroleum Decision Making

Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 57(1-2), 195-208


Investment Decisions, Systems Approach vs. Sequential Approach: Do Functional Dependencies And Interactions Matter?

Al-Harthy. M., Khurana. A., Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

., Begg. S.H., Bratvold. R.B.,

Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal 46(1), 511 - 524


The Value of Flexibility

Begg. S.H. and Bratvold. R.B.

Southern China Oil & Gas Journal 17(4)


STORM: Integrated 3D Stochastic Reservoir Modeling Tool for Geologists and Reservoir Engineers

Bratvold. R.B., Holden. L., Svanes. T. and Tyler. K.

SPE Computer Applications 7(3), 58 – 68


Effects of Propagating Fractures on Pressure-Transient Injection and Falloff Data

Larsen. L. and Bratvold. R.B.

SPE Formation Evaluation


Analysis of Pressure Falloff Tests Following Cold Water Injection

Bratvold. R.B. and Horne. R.N.

SPE Formation Evaluation September, 203 - 302


Semilog Analysis of Gas Well Drawdown and Buildup Data

Reynolds. A.C., Bratvold. R.B. and Ding. W.

SPE Formation Evaluation December, 657 - 670